Holborn Wells India Private Limited is a Biotechnology Advisory company that supports industry and academics by delivering products and services to the highest standards resulting in better patient care and public health.
Approved by CDSCO
Delivering products & services to the highest standards & exceeding expectations of our customers & stakeholders
Our team of scientists, strategy & legal experts bring a wealth of knowledge to your project. We pay attention to feedback, learn from experiences, and adapt to changing market dynamics. We prioritize the confidentiality of our client's proprietary information and intellectual property, whilst ensuring trust and protecting sensitive information, and complying with legal and ethical standards. For any Queries, please email : info@holbornwells.com
Assay Development
Assay Design Input & Planning, Feasibility, Development, Verification & Validation, to Product realization for numerous sample preparation methods and samples. We understand the integrities in the development of various assays & have extensive experience in below:
Molecular Assays
Lateral Flow
Biochemical & Microbial Assays
Immuno-chemical assay/ELISA​
Further , we can assist you with regulatory document preparation (Pre/Post Audit), Design History/Master File & Medical writing. We have extensive experience with regulatory landscape in India & Asia and have received multiple IVD license from CDSCO previously.
Advisory Services
We advise global Lifesciences companies (medical devices, pharmaceutical, food tech etc.) companies seeking to expand or looking for partnership in India & South Asia region aligned to clients organizational goals & values. We have extensive experience & knowledge of legal , regulatory and distribution network across the region.
Data driven Market & Pricing Strategy
Regulatory Advisory
Distribution & Sales
Contract R & D and Clinical Partnerships
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a critical global health concern, rendering many antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs less effective or even ineffective against pathogens. With a focus of developing assays & data strategies to monitor the progress and current scenario to identify the resistance mechanism and aid in better therapeutic and clinical treatment decisions. We at Holborn wells India are currently working on developing diverse tools and strategies to understand antimicrobial resistance and correlated data points for various sample types : One health
To partner or find out more please email us on info@holbornwells.com
Scientific and technological advancement in molecular, cellular, physical and natural science in recent past has opened doors for opportunities to develop solutions with reliable and quick results. We believe our combination of scientific excellence, customer-centricity, and a deep understanding of market needs helps us in staying attuned to diverse healthcare trends.